Photo source: ICNA Council for Social Justice
An Islamic reformation is not the solution to stop extremism (The Conversation)
Does Islam have a problem with democracy? (The Conversation)
Hard evidence: Muslim women and discrimination in Britain (The Conversation)
Good Muslims or good citizens: how Muslim women feel about integration (The Conversation)
The most troubling thing about Pauline Hanson’s view of Muslims? The facts no longer matter. (The Guardian)
Jihad and the French exception (The New York Times)
Hanson and IS are two sides of the same coin (year 10 student, Louis Gordon, comment in the Age)
Let’s hear from ordinary Muslims (same link as above)
Want to fight xenophobia? Then speak clearly about Islamism
SATIRE: Fears for Pauline Hanson’s health after she realises some Asians are also Muslim (The Shovel)
Hanson’s rise a double insult for Australian Muslims (New Matilda)
Dear Sonia, I understand you are scared. I am too. (ABC News)
Barnaby Joyce rejects Pauline Hanson’s call for ban on Muslims, says every religion has ‘ratbags’ (ABC News)
Emotional Sonia: ‘It rocked me to my very core’ (ABC News)
‘Sonia Kruger is not evil’: Waleed Aly defends Today Extra host, calls on Australians to stop ‘cycle of outrage’ (Sydney Morning Herald)
Why there’s nothing and all to fear about Muslim fear itself - Randa Abdel-Fattah (Sydney Morning Herald)
Freedom of speech
Who really benefits from freedom of speech? (The Conversation)
JK Rowling defends Donald Trump’s right to be ‘offensive and bigoted’ (The Guardian)
Ban on smoking in movies ‘infringes free speech’ says MPAA (The Guardian)
Nine defends Sonia Kruger’s freedom of speech (The West Australian)
Sonia Kruger contributed to the very danger she fears. (Sydney Morning Herald)
Rita Panahi says we’re paying a vicious price for free speech (Herald Sun)
South China Sea
China must heed South China Sea ruling or face global backlash. (The Age)
Commentary: China not alone in South China Sea Issue. (
Bowing to pressure on South China Sea may be quite hard to swallow for China. (Business Day)
South China Sea: Hague judges may have been influenced by money, Chinese official says. (ABC News)
The South China Sea ruling and the struggle for peace. (The Straits Times, Singapore)
Why law can’t solve the South China Sea conflict (Washington Post)
South China Sea verdict (The Wall Street Journal)
How India should handle Beijing after South China Sea verdict. (New Delhi TV)
China the regional bully punishes defiance in Asia-Pacific (The Age)
If you’re young and angry about the EU referendum, you’re right to be (The Guardian)
I want my country back (New Statesman, UK)
Fintan O’Toole: Brexit fantasy is about to come crashing down (Irish Times)
Brexit vote reveals rancour and distrust at the heart of the English body politic (Irish Times)
Yes, Brexit has damaged the British economy, but I was still right to vote to leave the EU (Independent, UK edition)
Racism unleashed: True extent of the 'explosion of blatant hate' that followed Brexit vote revealed (Independent, UK edition)
SATIRE: Britain’s ‘Leave’ voters cleverly deter migrants by destroying economy (The Shovel)
Brexit Blues - “the likeliest outcome, I’d have thought, is a betrayal of the white working class. They should be used to it by now.” (London Review of Books)
Yes Minister Brexit special - Sir Humphrey explains all
Don't be fooled. There will be damaging fallout from Brexit. (The Guardian)
Choosing to be a European - Nigel Warburton
Disrupting pro-ISIS online ‘ecosystems’ could help thwart real-world terrorism (The Conversation)
What breeds terrorism? (The Conversation)
The Orlando shooting: exploring the link between hate crimes and terrorism (The Conversation)
Orlando massacre shows our understanding of 'terrorism' is too focused on jihad. (The Conversation)
Radical Christian terrorists (Huffington Post)
Homegrown terrorism
Abbott warns of ‘creative homegrown terrorism after Nice attack’. (The Guardian)
How the changing media is changing terrorism (The Guardian)
The face of homegrown terror (Security Info Watch)
Homegrown terrorists or Islamic militants: Who are more dangerous for the US? (extreme and poor English but fun to analyse, eg ‘everyone knows…’) (The World Beast)
You can’t handle the truth about terror (USA Today)
The cancer of our homegrown terrorism in the US (NWF Daily News, Florida, US)
Sorry racists, the White House isn’t calling Black Lives Matter terrorists (Revelist)
Other opinion articles
If language tells us who we are, then who am I? (Stan Grant, The Guardian)
1975 Spiderman comic seems to be foretelling aspects of Trump. Photo source
The rhetorical brilliance of Trump, the demagogue (2015) (The Conversation)
How Donald Trump gets away with saying things other candidates can’t. (The Conversation)
Trump’s response to Orlando massacre proves just how dangerous he is. (The Conversation)
Donald Trump’s grandfather was an illegal migrant and a ‘Trojan horse’. (The Conversation)
Trump’s chance to reboot (New York Times)
Trump is getting even trumpier! (New York Times)
Both sides now. (New York Times)
Questions over Melania Trump’s speech set off finger pointing. (New York Times)
Campaign mops up poorly after Melania Trump’s speech mess. (Washington Post)
Melania Trump’s republican convention speech: so good it was recited twice (Includes side by side video of both speeches) (The Guardian)
Is Trump’s narcissism completely out of control? (The Age)
SATIRE: Process to find the two most despised people in US finally complete (The Shovel)
From TPP to T-shirts, Washington hits peak Trump (ABC News)
Trump hates Muslims, but what about the Jews? (New Matilda)
Benghazi Ambassador Chris Stevens’ family just made Donald Trump look like an even bigger fool. (Forward Progressives)
5 reasons why Trump will win - Michael Moore (Huffington Post)
Trump's 'say something crazy' strategy is wearing out (The Age)
New York Times drops Trump bombshell, uncovers massive debt (Occupy Democrats)
The "Trump Effect" on adolescent bullying behaviours at school. (Cyberbullying Research Centre)
Hillary Clinton gets gored. (The New York Times Opinion Pages)

Long term plan needed to solve homeless problem (Waikato Times, NZ)
Women need to take control of their financial security (Courier Mail)
Who will help the homeless? (ABC Open)
A night with nurses treating those sleeping rough in Melbourne (ABC News)
Would you pay extra for lunch to feed a homeless person? (ABC News)
Melbourne’s homelessness spike prompts funding boost (ABC News)
Relief is on the horizon for Melbourne’s homeless with a promised $850k (Timeout blog, Melbourne)
Bank of Melbourne sign calling homeless people ‘inconsiderate’ sparks outrage (The Age)
Homelessness: what are the solutions to the crisis on our streets? (The Age)
The homeless: And we avert our eyes to focus on the Olympics (The Age)
Mental health services and support
Left in limbo on mental health (ABC Open)
Balance needed to protect children and help families (Courier Mail)
Mental health: Turnbull can lead change, like Howard and Gillard. (The Australian)
SATIRE: Safe schools to be renamed safe-ish schools. (The Shovel)
The powerful truth of safe schools: mental health is political. (New Matilda)