The Conversation
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public.
Our team of professional editors work with university, CSIRO and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.
Access to independent, high-quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Our aim is to allow for better understanding of current affairs and complex issues. And hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversations.
The Conversation also has an alphabetically ordered list of topics.
Useful Databases for Issues research

Popular culture/news
Current Australian and Local Issues in the News
In the Age Education section under 'Issues in the News' you can access the latest issues-related article. If you click on the author's name, you will access an archive of articles by this author.
The Drum
ABC's The Drum - Analysis and views of the issues of the day
New Matilda
New Matilda is independent journalism at its best. The site has been publishing intelligent coverage of Australian and international politics, media and culture since 2004. You’ll find new stories on the homepage daily.
Subject guide created by
contact Tania Sheko