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MHS Library | Year 12 English SAC issues

Closing the gap - persuasive

Letters to the editor

Not all voices equal (The Age, September 2023)

It seems ironic that so many people are fearful of a First Nations Voice to parliament and yet are not at all perturbed by so-called apolitical high-ranking public servants, lobbyists and CEOs of private enterprise having the same opportunity for their voices to be heard.

I know whose voices I fear more.

Claire Hogan, Northcote

Closing the gap

As a supporter of the rejected Voice to parliament, I agree with Indigenous leaders that other policies must be acted on as a priority. One is closing the gap. Indigenous leaders are saying this, and even the Coalition agrees.

First Nations communities should certainly be consulted. Here the Liberals also agree, at least in principle. Peter Dutton’s alternative policy to a national Voice was regional and local consultative bodies. The best compromise might be a bipartisan policy, with advisory groups legislated but not in the Constitution.

The Liberals have been negative on many specific changes. They campaigned against the advisory Voice, and Dutton reversed his promise for a second referendum to only update the Constitution. At a state level, Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto withdrew bipartisan support for a treaty.

Let them contribute specific details to discussions about ‘‘listening bodies’’, and on better ways to close the gap. They might get help doing this from former Coalition Indigenous affairs minister Ken Wyatt.

John Hughes,
