Investigation topic 2: Producing and using ‘greener’ polymers
Both natural and synthetic polymers play an important role in everyday life. The cells in animals and plants are built of, and metabolise, natural polymers. Proteins and carbohydrates in our food are both polymers. Synthetic polymers are used for a myriad of purposes in everyday life but may present challenges in terms of the by-products resulting from their manufacture or breakdown, and their persistence in the environment. The sustainability of polymers can be considered in terms of whether these plastics can be avoided by using different products or activities, reduced through design, or replaced by different materials.
Questions that may be explored in this investigation include:
· How do biodegradable and degradable polymers, compostable polymers and recyclable polymers differ in structure, production and environmental impacts?
Basic polymer structure
Basic Polymer Structure | MATSE 81: Materials In Today’s World. (2020).
An overview; biodegradable and non biodegradable polymers
This resource contains
What are Biodegradable Polymers?
Examples Of Biodegradable Polymers
What is Non-Biodegradable Polymer?
Examples Of Non-Biodegradable Polymer
Admin. (2015, December 16). Biodegradable Polymer and Non Biodegradable Polymers. BYJUS; BYJU’S.
Recent advances in biodegradable polymers for sustainable applications
Aya Samir, Ashour, F. H., Abdel, A., & Bassyouni, M. (2022). Recent advances in biodegradable polymers for sustainable applications. 6(1).
Biodegradable polymers
For more information please open this document
Gross, R. A., & Kalra, B. (2002). BiodegradablePolymersforthe Environment. In Science Mag. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Pathan, N. (2023). Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers.
Compostable polymers
What's the difference? Compostable vs Biodegradable
Watch, O. (2020, May 28). Compostable vs Biodegradable | Oceanwatch Australia.
Compostable Polymers and Nanocomposites — A Big Chance for Planet Earth
Mir, G., & Sayaf Mahsa. (2015). Compostable Polymers and Nanocomposites — A Big Chance for Planet Earth.
Composting Processes - Compostable plastics designed to break down under industrial composting conditions.
Read about industrial composting here
IndustrIal CompostIng. (2009).
Recyclable polymers
Our material expert, Timo, shows and teaches you which plastics can and cannot be recycled, the difference between types of plastics and how you can recognize different types of plastics.
3devo. (2020). Recycling Plastics - Step 1: Collecting Plastic [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.
The world's first 'infinite' plastic
Latham, K. (2021, May 12). The world’s first “infinite” plastic.; BBC.
A research abstract Circularly Recyclable Polymers Featuring Topochemically Weakened Carbon–Carbon Bonds
Detailing the structural changes that take place.
Circularly Recyclable Polymers Featuring Topochemically Weakened Carbon–Carbon Bonds. (2022). Journal of the American Chemical Society.
New research on environmental impact
New process makes ‘biodegradable’ plastics truly compostable
Sanders, R. (2021, April 21). New process makes “biodegradable” plastics truly compostable. Berkeley News.
An ebook Environmentally Friendly Polymers and Polymer Composites that you can access online
The book is divided into 16 chapters that compile novel research works dealing with sustainable polymers and polymer composites to advance sustainable development.
Environmentally Friendly Polymers and Polymer Composites. (2021).
Engineering Researchers Design Novel Recyclable and Degradable Polymer Plastics for Biomaterial Field | FAMU-FSU. (2022, September).
In-soil degradation of polymer materials waste – A survey of different approaches in relation with environmental impact :: BioResources. (2023). @Bioresjournal.