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Analysing and Presenting Argument

Analysing and Presenting Argument
Unit 3: Key Knowledge

an understanding of arguments presented in texts

the ways authors construct arguments to position audiences, including through reason and logic, and written, spoken and visual language

the features of written, spoken and multimodal texts used by authors to position audiences

the conventions of discussion and debate

the features of analytical and comparative responses to texts that position audiences: structure, conventions and language, including relevant metalanguage

the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of Standard Australian English.


Unit 3: Key Skills

identify and analyse
– the intent and logical development of an argument
– language used by the writers and creators of texts to position or persuade an audience to share a point of view
– the impact of texts on audiences by considering the similarities and differences between texts
– the way in which language and argument complement one another and interact to position the reader

apply the conventions and protocols of discussion and debate

use textual evidence appropriately to support analytical responses

plan analytical responses, taking account of the purpose, context and audience in determining the selected content and approach

develop, clarify and critique ideas presented in the arguments of others using discussion and writing

draft, review, edit and refine analytical responses, using feedback gained from individual reflection and peer and teacher comments

apply the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of Standard Australian English accurately and appropriately.