About comics and graphic novels
Examples of comics/graphic novels
The Garden of Earthly Delights in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, c. 1495–1505, by Hieronymus Bosch (see in high resolution)
Fantastic Art (Wikipedia) See list of artists (historic and contemporary) with links to works
Dream art with list of artists and works
Step into my fantasy (Google Arts and Culture)
Blind fantasy (Google Arts and Culture)
Dark, twisted fantasy (Google Arts and Culture)
Fantasy (Google Arts and Culture)
Mythic Monsters (Google Arts and Culture)
10 artists that changed the face of fantasy forever
7 breakthrough fantasy artists
Fantasy cities on Pinterest (Deon Van Dorp)
Alex Milne
Sana Takeda
Natalie Hall on Instagram
Erica Williams on Instagram
Teagan White on Instagram
List of Science Fiction and Fantasy artists (Wikipedia)
Art by Alex Milne
Miguelanxo Prado
La Vache