Lord of the rings
- Call Number: TOLKISBN: 0261103253The most widely read and influential fantasy epic of all time, it is also one of the most memorable and beloved tales ever told. Originally published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings set the framework upon which all epic/quest fantasy since has been built. Through the urgings of the enigmatic wizard Gandalf, young hobbit Frodo Baggins embarks on an urgent, incredibly treacherous journey to destroy the One Ring.
Infinite jest
Infinite Jest by
Call Number: WALLISBN: 0349121087Somewhere in the not-so-distant future the residents of Ennet House, a Boston halfway house for recovering addicts, and students at the nearby Enfield Tennis Academy are ensnared in the search for the master copy of Infinite Jest, a movie said to be so dangerously entertaining its viewers become entranced and expire in a state of catatonic bliss.
# Philosophy #Comedy
Game of thrones
- Call Number: MARTISBN: 9780006479888The cold is returning to Winterfell, where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime. A time of conflict has arisen in the Stark family, as they are pulled from the safety of their home into a whirlpool of tragedy, betrayal, assassination plots and counterplots. Each decision and action carries with it the potential for conflic as they all are pulled together in the most deadly game of all, the game of thrones.
Note: Adult content
The eye of the world
- Call Number: JORDISBN: 9781857230765Book one is a series of 14, it draws on elements of both European and Asian mythology, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Buddhism and Hinduism, the metaphysical concepts of balance and duality, and a respect for nature found in Daoism. Additionally, its creation story has similarities to Christianity's "Creator" (Light) and Shai'tan, "The Dark One" (Shaytan is an Arabic word that in religious contexts is used as a name for the Devil). It was also partly inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace (1869).The Wheel of Time is notable for its length, its detailed imaginary world, its well-developed magic system, and its large cast of characters.
Teacher: VCE English Language. Teacher librarian

Tania Sheko
Subjects: Digital Literacy, English, LOTE, Mathematics, Music, Research, Research projects, Visual Arts
- Call Number: KINGISBN: 9781444707861It is the children of the town of Derry, Maine who see - and feel - what makes the town so horribly different. In the storm drains and sewers It lurks, taking the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread. As the children grow up and move away, the horror of It is buried deep - until they are called back. #Horror
War and peace
- ISBN: 0307266931Tolstoy's epic masterpiece intertwines the lives of private and public individuals during the time of the Napoleonic wars and the French invasion of Russia. Balls and soirees alternate with councils of war and the machinations of statesmen and generals, scenes of violent battles with everyday human passions in a work whose extraordinary imaginative power has never been surpassed.
- Call Number: KAUFISBN: 9781760113803The year is 2575 and life in space is run by mega corporations, this is the investigation into what really happened on a tiny mining planet. Told in the form of images, digital correspondence, audio files, text and computer files. Who knows the truth? Who is the enemy?
Brian Selznick
The Marvels by
Call Number: SELZISBN: 9780545448680Publication Date: 2015-09-15The journey begins at sea in 1766, with a boy named Billy Marvel. After surviving a shipwreck, he finds work in a London theatre. There, his family flourishes for generations as brilliant actors until 1900, when young Leontes Marvel is banished from the stage.
Nearly a century later, runaway Joseph Jervis seeks refuge with an uncle in London. Albert Nightingale's strange, beautiful house, with its mysterious portraits and ghostly presences, captivates Joseph and leads him on a search for clues about the house, his family, and the past.