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MHS Library | The Crucible

Salem Witch Trials History Channel

The Crucible and McCarthyism


The story of the witch hunt

Witch hunts on The Simpsons

Salem Witch Trials - documentary


Salem witch trials (documentary archive) 
Salem witchcraft trials (1692) 
Salem Witch Museum 
Questions and answers about the witch trials 
A brief history of the Salem witch trials (Smithsonian) 
Chronology of events relating to Salem Witch Trials

Image source

Salem witch trials - personal letters 
Transcription of the court records eg warrant for the apprehension of Sarah Good - 

Whereas Mrs Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam Edward putnam and Thomas preston Yeomen of Salem Village in the County of Essex personally appeared before us, and made Complaint on Behalfe of theire Majests against Sarah Good the wife of William Good of Salem Village aboves'd for suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed, and thereby much Injury donne to Eliz parris, Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afores'd Sundry times within this two moneths and Lately also don, at Salem Village Contrary to the peace of our Sover'n L'd and Lady W'm & mary King & Queen of Engld &c -- You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehe'd & bring before us the said Sarah Good , to morrow aboute ten of the clock in the forenoon at the house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village.or as soon as may be then & there to be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile at your perile Dated Salem, febr 29th 1691/2

Search for names in the legal documents of the Salem Witch Outbreak 1692)
Important persons in the Salem court trials 
A timeline of the Salem witch trials